Posts Tagged ‘saffire beanie boo’

Dragons, Dragons, Dragons…

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021

Hi guys!

It’s a lovely, sunny Wednesday afternoon here at Beaniepedia HQ and Nuts is hanging out with his buddy, Scorch!

As I’ve mentioned on my other website, Jelly Collector, I’m currently OBSESSED with collecting dragons! Scorch, the dragon Beanie Baby above is one of my all-time favourites. I’ve had him for years and bought him because at the time I LOVED Spyro the Dragon on the PS1.

Currently, Holly, the Claire’s exclusive dragon is the only dragon in my Beanie Boos collection (isn’t she beautiful?!).

However, I do have some dragon Beanie Boos on the way. Soon, I should hopefully have Saffire, Grindal and Anora (pictured below).

I was going to order Cinder too, but I might have to try and get him next month.

I am also in love with Spectra, but as I’m in the UK and she is a Michael’s exclusive from the USA, he is harder to get over here, although not impossible.

Merlin, the Walgreens exclusive dragon, is another one that is harder to find, especially in the UK. He is a gorgeous black dragon with a shiny orange belly. I love his shiny scale pattern that covers him from head to toe.

Darla is another dragon I might have to leave until a later date. She is probably going to be a bit easier to get hold of as she’s currently widely available.

She is a bright pink dragon covered in sparkles and has beautiful, shiny green wings and sparkly green eyes.

I would also love Kate from the Flippables range. I love how her sequins look like scales and they are a beautiful colour!

I hope that Ty make more dragon Beanie Boos as I find them sooo cute!

Do you have any dragons in your collection? Leave a comment below!
