Posts Tagged ‘selling beanie babies on facebook’

Where do you sell Beanie Babies?

Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Where Can I Sell My Beanie Babies?

You’re probably here because you’ve been decluttering and come across boxes and boxes of your old Beanie Babies. Or maybe you’ve inherited a whole bunch and wondering what to do with them now.

Hopefully this article can help a little with that.

Do I buy Beanie Babies?

I get asked a lot whether I buy Beanie Babies, either individually or as bundles. Unfortunately, I neither have the space or resources to buy Beanie Babies in bundles. I also tend to buy on an ad hoc basis so sadly, I am currently unable to buy individual Beanie Babies from you. I would suggest using one of the selling methods below as they really would be the best ways to try and sell your Beanie Babies.

Where DO you sell Beanie Babies?

This question comes up very frequently, so I thought maybe this article could be of help to people looking to sell their Beanie Baby collections, however they’ve managed to acquire them.

There are various platforms to sell them and I will go through them all below.

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Probably one of the most popular choices to try and sell your Beanie Babies would be to sell them on eBay.

The process is relatively easy to list them and as long as you send them with adequate tracking information, you will have protection if you use PayPal.

One of the best ways to sell larger collections on eBay would be to separate the Beanie Babies into bundles by category. For example, smaller bundles of bears, sea creatures or jungle animals might be your best bet.



I have to stress that you MUST use a tracked form of shipping when using eBay as if something goes wrong, PayPal tend to side with the buyer if you cannot provide tracking information.

One of the downsides with selling on eBay is there are selling fees. However, the extra protection from PayPal, providing you use tracked postage, may make it worth it.

Facebook Groups

Another place to look into would be selling them through the various Facebook “buy and sell” groups, especially those specifically centred around selling Beanie Babies.

Please be aware though that the majority of Beanie Babies are common, are hard to sell and will only sell for a few dollars, so it may be best to sell in bundles.

Ensure you thoroughly research the value of your Beanie Babies before selling as if you attempt to sell too high (like the ridiculously high, fake inflated values in some clickbait articles you tend to come across on the internet), the group members will point this out to you. Some people will be less friendly than others in telling you (sadly truthfully) that the Beanie Baby you are trying to sell is not worth that much.

A great way to find out how to determine the value a Beanie Baby before posting them up would be to read my guide on using eBay as a basis for the current “sold” values. You can find it here.

Some Facebook groups are friendlier than others, so join a few and scope out the vibe of the group first.

Selling Beanie Babies

Facebook Marketplace

You can also sell on Facebook Marketplace. This is usually best for selling to those in your area, although you can also choose to deliver if you wish.

If selling on Facebook Marketplace, make sure to insist on PayPal if shipping (using Goods and Services protects both parties). If selling locally, you could sell via collection only with cash on collection. That way, the buyer knows they will get their Beanies and you know you will get your money.

Remember to price your Beanies accordingly before selling and bundles may sell better than individual Beanie Babies.

Be prepared though that sometimes your Beanie Babies may sit unsold for a long period if they aren’t particularly sought after.

Yard Sales

Having a clear out? What better way to sell your Beanie Babies than at a yard sale?!

That way your Beanie Babies are in plain sight of people already looking to pick up a bargain and there will be no shipping fees!

Selling Beanie Babies

Car Boot Sale/Flea Market

For the same reasons as a yard sale, your Beanie Babies will be visually available to those looking for an impulse buy.

The only downside is that there may be ground fees for your pitch.


Primarily a website for selling handmade items, Etsy also allows you to sell vintage items, which includes Beanie Babies!

However, there are listing and selling fees involved, so check the value of your Beanie Babies before listing as it may not be worth it.

I hope this article is useful for you. If there are any other selling platforms you have used and would recommend, leave a comment below!
