Posts Tagged ‘tuesdayvibes’

We’ve had snow!

Tuesday, January 15th, 2019

Today we had a bit of unexpected snowfall. Here’s Scorch demonstrating…

We’ve had nowhere near the amount of snow as some other parts of Europe have had though. To those of you who are in the middle of it all, I hope you are all well, and most importantly, stay safe.

It’s been a bit of a slow day here today, so I’ve spent some time updating the site. If you are on a page with a particular type of Beanie, for example a bear, and you want to see only bears, you are now able to filter all the bear Beanies that are currently on the site. The same can also be done for the release year and colour.

I have also added all of the available Flippables, so you can now add them to your collection. If I’ve missed any, please let me know!

Here’s hoping this snow finally ends!
