My Third Series of the 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies Arrived and They Are My Favourite So Far!

Friday, July 28th, 2023

Hi everyone!

I’m so excited to tell you all that my third series of the 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies arrived to my parents’ house from The Magical Gift Boutique and they are quite possibly my favourite series yet!

The third series actually ended up a little different from my previous post (thwarted by Ty yet again! Haha!). I had heard that the Signature Bear II (now named Signature Bear 2023) was going to be in this set, but it looks like this will only be in the US release of the third series.

Instead, the UK version of series 3 includes the three Beanie Babies pictured below.

Series 3 of the 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies. Left to right: Patti II, Peace II and Zip II

From left to right we have Patti II, Peace II and Zip II. I think they are possibly my favourite set so far in all the series of 30th Anniversary Beanies!

Patti II

Patti II Beanie Baby

Patti II is probably my favourite from the new bunch. Her bright orange colouring is really striking against her blue bill and feet. She really feels like an upgrade from the Patti I remember and love from the 90s.

Like all of the new Beanie Babies, her poem remains the same, but her Birthday has changed from 6th January to 6th July.

Patti II Beanie Baby hang tag

Peace II

Peace II Beanie Baby

I love Peace II‘s bright yellow colouring. I’m kind of sad that she is not tie-dyed, because part of the fun of the original Peace bear was finding all different variations in colour. But I’m glad in some ways that they have made her different. However, they have given her a splash of colour with her rainbow-coloured mesh ribbon which is a nice touch. She still retains her multi-coloured “Peace” symbol too.

Her poem remains unchanged but her birth date is now on 1st September instead of 1st February.

Peace II hang tag

Zip II

Zip II Beanie Baby

Zip II is probably the most unchanged Beanie Baby out of all the 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies released so far.

Everything about him is the same as the original Zip, even down to the green and black eyes and white paws. The only difference being made from a softer fabric. I actually loved the original Zip and he was one of my favourite old-style cats (along with Prance and Chip). Part of me kind of wishes Ty had made a few changes, but then I’m not sure if I would have liked him as much.

His birth date has changed from 28th March to 28th June, but he has the same poem as the original.

Zip II Beanie Baby hang tag

My thoughts…

As I stated above, this is my favourite series so far of the 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies. I ADORE Patti II’s orange and blue colouring and Peace II’s bright sunny yellow body.

I’m torn between wishing Zip II had some differences from the original and actually really loving the nostalgic vibe from him being a softer upgrade. I think I probably wouldn’t have been as happy if he was a different colour because I would be thinking “That’s not Zip!”.

I’m really glad they included an old-style cat this time though. As some of you may already know, I’m a bit of a cat lover so I had a big smile when I saw Zip II was going to be included in the UK series 3 set.

What are your thoughts on the third series of 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies? Who is your favourite? Leave a comment below!


2 Responses to “My Third Series of the 30th Anniversary Beanie Babies Arrived and They Are My Favourite So Far!”

  1. Kelly H says:

    I’d really like a floppy style bear like Chilly or Cubbie in the series. They could even pick Sammy if they want to get creative with the colors.

  2. Rachel (admin) says:

    @Kelly H

    I was thinking the other day that they should make a Sammy II! I loved the original Sammy!

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