Posts Tagged ‘halloween beanie boos’

Beanie news roundup

Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

Hi everyone!

Apologies for the site being a bit quiet recently. Things have been pretty hectic at home and I haven’t had time up until now to update the site as much as I would have liked to.

Anyway, I’m back! If you have sent any messages recently, I will do my best to reply to you all. However, I have received a lot of messages to catch up on so it might take a while!

So what’s been going on in the world of Ty?

Well it turns out Faye, the pink fox Beanie Boo has a horn!

The stock images of Faye originally showed her without a horn, but in reality she does in fact have a glittery gold horn!

Talking about horns, it also appears that the Giselle Squish a Boo has a golden horn too! I did think it was a bit odd how the Beanie Boo version of Giselle had a horn but it didn’t look like the Squish a Boo version had one. But it turns out she does too!

giselle squish a booAlso, some great news! Tremor has landed back to earth! Tremor went up to space initially as part of the SpaceX launch to indicate to the astronauts when they had reached zero gravity (the story about Tremor’s expedition to space can be found here).

tremor returns home from spacex expeditionThere are also a few new Halloween and Winter Beanie Boos and Puffies that have been announced which I will go into more detail about soon, so stay tuned!

I hope everyone is well and I look forward to posting further updates!

Happy collecting!
